Sunday, February 6, 2011

The meeting that was kinda sorta official

The first meeting was on January 29, 2011! Unfortunately, only three people showed up. It's ok though, it was really sudden and unorganized. Hopefully, the at the next meeting we'll have more people and hopefully get the doujinshi starting!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Squeetzy! It's me, Neko. The one who found you in the Libraries New Wing. ^^; Anyway, I've been chatting with Falling Stars, and I told him/her that I think we "ALL" need to discuss which day would suit the majority of our members. And really I had offered the days for this month to be the 18-20th "OR" 25-27th. I'll be calling the Library tomorrow and scheduling a meeting room for at the at the "Boston Copley Public Library- NEW WING", seeing as there are in fact two wings. One being old and the other new. I will arrange a meeting room in the new wing and have them keep the spot open for the 18-20th weekend. If we have to push it back to the 25-27th weekend I will need to know at minimum 4-5 days in advance before the 18-20th weekend so as I can inform then Library to hold the room for one more week. I will be informing you of the floor and room number right away on Monday (which is tomorrow for me) once I have all the information. But, in the mean time, please try and get the best estimation at how many member will be attending the up coming meeting. I'd like an estimation more on definitely's then on maybes if that would be appreciated please?

    Well, good luck Squeetzy! x3

